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5 Most Common Medical Problems in Dogs

They can be energetic, full of vigour, and seem to have indestructible health, but just like all living things, dogs can fall victim to a variety of illnesses, ranging from parasites to bacterial or viral infections.

We’re going to go with the assumption that you take your dog to the vet regularly for check ups, and that they are vaccinated or will have received all of their shots soon. But besides the diseases that these shots protect against, here are five common medical issues you should be on the lookout for.

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5 Ways to Make Sure Your Home Doesn't Smell Like a Cat

Because they take the time to groom their bodies, cats don’t smell as much as other animals. Still, if you don’t keep up with their grooming routine or you don’t clean their litter box as often as you should, the atmosphere in your home can quickly change, and not in a good way.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of tips to help your home smell clean and fresh even when you care for a cat (or more).

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5 Gift Bundles For Your Pets

Giving your pet a nice little present for the holidays can make a world of difference both for them and yourself, especially if they're premium products priced at a discount.

And because we want you to get the best value for your money, here are some of our best bundles to try out this season.

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Best Gifts Under $30 For Your Cats

The most wonder-fur time of the year is near and that means spreading some holiday cheer with gift-giving! But while we're busy with holiday preps, let's not forget our precious pets who also deserve some extra love and affection this time of the year.

If you're wondering what to give your cat this Christmas, fear not. We've rounded up some of our best selling products under $30 that your precious felines will surely love.

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